If you wish to get higher search ranking in 2018, you must work harder because the competition is getting tougher every year. Regardless of your experience in online marketing, you have to keep yourself fully updated as Google and other search engines are making changes to their algorithm very frequently. If you are passionate to discover the secret of better rankings, you should read this article to the end because the secret of success lies in these 8 SEO Tips going to be revealed below:
1: When You Begin, Think Like a Searcher
If you have been in online marketing for quite some time, you must have known some of the techniques but for a few minutes just forget about all you have learned and simply think why Google needs to apply so many restrictions and why you need to face them all. The simplest answer is “Most Accurate Results”. For example, if you want to know “how can I write my assignment?” You want Google to show you the best results. It means “to get on top, you must deserve it”. Whatever services or products you are offering, be honest with them. Use most relevant and well-known keywords, find competitors, and have a fair competition of quality with them.
2: Content is Unbeatable King If It Gets Authority
Content is the unbeatable king of online marketing, and there is no doubt about it. But it works like a real king only if it has authority. For example, if you spread fake news about your services, it might get you good results for some time, but later you will find it terrible because the visitors will no longer trust you. Therefore, you must follow these techniques to get authority:
- Write concise but informative content
- Create most relevant content for your website
- Content must be easily readable
- Content must be based on truth
- Use well-known keywords carefully
- Avoid stuffing too many keywords in content
- Create attention-grabbing headlines
3: Spread Your Words on Social Networks
If you don’t give importance to the authority of your content, you are not going to get any response from social networks no matter how great ads you put on it. You must post content related to your business. Here are some great tips:
- Your posts should have comments and responses from your followers and friends on social media.
- Your post should be completely relevant to your niche, or else you will lose the interest of the readers.
- There must be exciting and attention-grabbing updates, news, publications, bonuses, etc.
- You can link your websites with businesses which are not in direct competition with yours.
- Don’t use default banners, rather create your own original banners for your profiles.
- Don’t forget to put your website URL on your banner.
4: Get Engagement Because It Gets Commitment
If you have been able to get the attention of a potential reader or a buyer, you are half successful because the next move is to keep him around your content. Once people come to your site, they stay until they get distracted or disappointed, and this happens when they don’t find what they have actually come for. Here are some tricks to avoid losing your potential customers:
- An effective branding will engage your customers at an emotional level and will have a long-lasting impact.
- You should reward your customers and allow them other incentives such as special coupons and bonuses.
- You should also request your users to give reviews about the products they have used on your website.
- Share your faithful customers’ reviews on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- Get your customers connected with social questions and answers roundups and also run contests related to your products.
5: Spend Less Time in Creation and More Time in Promotion
According to experts, you should spend less time in creation and more time in promotion. For example, if you have spent 2 hours creating a blog, the rest should be spent in promoting it. Reach a wider list of audiences and convince them to share your content. The best way to convince them is to share valuable and interesting content with them so they are prepared to share it with their friends, family, and followers.
6: Maximize Site Speed on Desktop & Mobile Versions
The speed of your site is an important element because smartphones have become a whole new marketplace for online buyers. Therefore, your website must have faster speed than ever before. The website should not take more than 3 seconds for desktops and 2 seconds for mobile phones. Google’s Page Speed Tools will allow you to check the speed of your website. If your site has poor speed, it will not be easy to improve it on your own as it involves a lot of things to do such as making files smaller, minimizing the number of requests, etc. Get assistance from expert web and app developers to boost your site performance.
7: Build Top Quality Backlinks for Your Website
Your site must be linked to other websites, and if they are not doing it, you must ask yourself why Google would like to do it. Most probably, you don’t have something interesting for other website managers and you need to change your strategy. While you are trying to create backlinks, it is also important to mention here that there are a large number of websites which have been blacklisted by Google, and having an association with them can bring negative results for your site as well.
8: Keep a Close Watch on Your Overall Progress
Evaluate all your efforts and the best way to do it is to track the overall progress of your website. This will help you reconsider your current SEO technique and will enable you to do your best. Here are a few things that you can specifically monitor:
- Check ranking of your keywords
- Check organic search traffic you are receiving
- See how much time people spend on your site
- Make sure to see the quality of your backlinks
- Keep a watch on returning users
- Social media response from users